

Your gateway to Japan

IJS Consulting - Services

At IJS, we understand that establishing a presence in Japan can be a complex process. IJS consulting can help you navigate the cultural, legal, and business Japanese landscape.

Japan Market Entry

EFQM assessments
Startups & SME establishment
Japan specific Startup Risk Matrix

Logistics Consulting

3PL Setup
Supply chain optimization
Route Planning & import
Supplier Selection
Suppliers Assessments
Supplier Audits
GDP Preparedness
Import & Export regulations
I.O.R. sourcing

Management Consulting

Market Entry strategy
Scrivener services
Payroll and Accounting
Directors sourcing
Talent Acquisition
Temporary Management
Local Partners

Incorporation in Japan – timeline


Wk 1 - Decision on Basic matters

- Articles of incorporation
- Capital & Shares details
- Directors details
- Language (EN/JP/Bilingual)
- Reception of Signature certificates

Wk 3 - Notarization

- Articles of incorporation notarized

Wk 4 - Company registration

- Registration with gvt institutions
- Interview in Japanese with Rep director
- Application for Office / Virtual office

Wk 0 - Project start

- Confirmation of timelines and activities
- availability of resources in Japan
- availability of directors’ mandatory documents

Wk 2 - Finalize AoI

- Articles of incorporation signed by all directors
- Signatures matching seal certificates
- Confirmation of funds transfer

Wk 5 - Finalization

- Registration with Tax office and Notification to Japan central Bank
- Application for bank account and Visa for foreign employees
- Application for Office / Virtual office
Our Consulting Team

  • 4 Languages
  • 50 years of combined CEO Experience
  • 60 years of combined board member experience
  • Officer of listed company
  • On the ground Experience in Europe, the US and Greater Asia
  • SME General Management
  • Mergers & Acquisition
  • Post Merger Integration
  • Quality Management
  • 6 sigma
  • Consumer Relationship
  • Management & Consumer Loyalty
  • Primary & Secondary Healthcare
  • BioPharma Logistics
  • Time Critical & Sensitive goods Logistics
  • Medical devices
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Import/Export Trading

Get in touch – Let’s talk about your project

If you have any questions or need help, please fill out the form below or send us a direct email. We do our best to respond within 1 business day.
